Cockpit 217
category: release
Cockpit is the modern Linux admin interface. We release regularly. Here are the release notes from version 217.
Overview: More details about Insights rule hits
When a machine is connected to Red Hat Insights, the Health card on the Overview page now shows more details.
Dialogs: Buttons have been improved
Following PatternFly’s revised design guidelines, button placement in all modal dialogs has been changed to improve usability and accessibility.
Machines: Sending more keys to the console
Many more special keys can be sent to running virtual machines:
- Control+Alt+Delete is usually used for rebooting a computer. On Windows systems, it is also sometimes used for signing in.
- Control+Alt+Backspace is useful for force-quitting the X Window System.
- The rest of of these key combinations are for switching Linux virtual consoles.
Try it out
Cockpit 217 is available now: